Sunday, February 16, 2020

Welcome Back!
Well, updates are due! How have I been spending my time (musically), and how am I progressing on my journey to become a better harper, and a compassionate and appropriately credentialed Therapeutic Musician?

For starters, I have been diving deep into establishing a reliable and appropriate repertoire of pieces. I am focusing right now, on creating Mp3 files of music targeted toward young children and infants. I am deep into well-known children's songs and Twinkle Twinkle/Alphabet Song, All Through the Night, All the Pretty Little Horses, Mary Had a Little Lamb, Over the Rainbow, I Love You Up to the Moon, and Farm Boy's Lullaby are where I'm hanging my musical chapeau at the moment!

Additionally, I am continuing my harp lessons with the amazing Christa Grix, and working to master and use the MuseScore online software to commit my own music and musical arrangements to print. It is truly exciting to see my own compositions appear on the page...they look so professional.

One of the things I am mindful of, in this winter season, is the importance of self-care...the need to refill my encounter things that make me smile, that inspire me and that bring a feeling of mastery. So, last night, I attended an amazing concert at the Owens Community College in Toledo, Ohio. This campus and its facilities are amazing. I was alerted to a wonderful concert opportunity by my friend Denise Grupp-Verbon, who is on the faculty of the Music Business and Harp department. The concert featured Nicolas Carter, a Paraguayan Harpist who is simply extraordinary! I have been treated to his music and harp mastery and beauty at least 5 times in the last 2 years, and I learn something and become more committed to my harp playing every time! What a wonderful way to refill my bucket! Best of all, I was accompanied by my friend/harp teacher Christa Grix and my sweet hubby Al, who genuinely loves Nicolas. We are blessed to call Nicolas and his wife Mari as friends...such blessings the harp has bestowed upon me!

So far, I am feeling much more accomplished in the music notation department of late... I have written and published an arrangement of Deck the Halls, an arrangement of Fairy Lullaby, and 3 original pieces which I composed: "Gravity" (a harp solo with optional guitar accompaniment), "I'm So Glad You Came My Way" (a lullaby dedicated to my granddaughters, Kinze and Kasten), and a Flute Trio "Flute Fantasy" a flute trio in 2 short movements that I wrote in 1972, at the age of 17, as a final exam requirement in an advanced Music Theory Class!

My original score of the trio, was laboriously hand notated, and is quite dog-eared...not because of frequent use, but because of age and benign I took this afternoon, and did something I've dreamt about for 48 years...I professionally notated and published my musical score for "Flute Fantasy" including original and current copyright...can you believe it???? The thing is...this piece has only been performed the aforementioned Music Theory Class, as a final exam requirement...the thing is, I was one of the performers (along with my sweet flute friends Lauren Kemp Hanson and Diane Dinkgrave)...given the outrageous case of nerves I had that day...since I was performing in front of my friends, musical classmates and my Band Teacher, Mr. Burman....and the fact that my grade depended on a respectable performance....I remember absolutely NOTHING of the piece and how it ultimately sounded! So...Musescore has a very respectable flute voice...and it has the amazing ability  to play what you notate...complete with dynamics and I really HEARD my original Flute Trio for the first time EVER...(well the 1st time in 48 years...but as I said....who remembers???) And...I feel that it has managed to hold up pretty well! I don't say that as a brag....but more, truly in the vein of UTTER AMAZEMENT...I am struck by the melody, the harmonies, the fact that I wrote 2 Allegro and an Adagio and that I utilized passing tones, unexpected harmonies and complex rhythms. I am so grateful for the music education (vocal and instrumental) with Mr. Eugene Dyer and Mr. Don Burman.

Other requirements need for the completion of this 1st phase of my CCM training: A picture of self with harp (for a brochure?), the competition of a lengthy multiple choice exam (done), A lengthy written exam (in process) and the three 10 minute Mp3 samples (also in process). There is light at the end of the tunnel!
love to all....Thanks for reading!