Monday, July 15, 2019

A New Journey

Welcome to Harp and Song in the Mitten!

Why become a Certified Therapeutic Musician?

Sometimes it feels like my life and circumstances have very deliberately brought me to this place. As a child, I sang before I could talk. Of all the possible modalities that have touched my heart, music and language held the key to my happiness. Luckily, the Lord has blessed me with some musical ability and a huge desire to learn about all things music. I remember being fascinated by the musicians on the Lawrence Welk Show. My oldest cousin began playing saxophone and guitar...and I was entranced! Every Sunday I sang my heart out in Sunday school...learned my favorite hymns from the red Lutheran hymnals, memorized songs at vacation Bible School  and loved the Liturgy.  I listened to my record player obsessively. I memorized melodies and lyrics...I began to have musical preferences....and I began to beg for a musical instrument. 
At church I was exposed to the piano, organ, choir, flute and...yep...harp. Harp was my deep longing, but finances and practicality dictated my second choice (but first love: the flute).
Then came the Beatles...and my first guitar. To say this was the beginning of a wonderful obsession is an Band Directors in Jr. High (David Bonamicci) and High School (Don Burman) blew open the musical doors for me....wanna try playing stand up bass? You Betcha!
How about some Christmas music in a Baroque quartet...soprano recorder...sure! Wanna play oboe for concert season...? Absolutely! I own upwards of 40 instruments...fretted, stringed, wind, percussion, keyboarded, strummed, plucked...I've got it! Singing in choirs and select vocal ensembles...? Yes! Wanna write your own music? Heck Yeah!

I have sung in school and church choirs, and select vocal ensembles. I've played in bands and orchestras and Solo and Ensemble competitions. I've marched in marching bands, played in pep bands and jazz groups. I've performed in folk music trios, and did my time singing  in bars in Ann Arbor. I've written special music, shepherded the music for a weekly women's Bible study and literally have sung at hundreds of weddings, funerals, baby and bridal  showers and private parties. I was once represented by the Gail and Rice Talent Agency in Detroit, and I have been a card carrying Detroit Federation of Musicians member....
So here I am....

I am attempting to document my journey to becoming a properly credentialed Therapeutic Musician. As such, I should talk a bit about the difference between a fully credentialed Music Therapist vs. a Certified Therapeutic Musician.

Similarities in the course of study include scholarly readings, specific coursework, understanding the medical environment, understanding confidentiality, using physiological signs within the patient to choose and provide music. Additional similarities include a total focus on the patient and their family, focus on helping to mitigate pain responses, memory loss and stress, as well as participation in palliative care and hospice care. Both disciplines provide support for individuals across the age/life continuum.

The differences in these similar disciplines reside in the amount of education required (a certified music therapist has a minimum of 4 years of University study, and their scope of practice is much broader, deeper and often prescriptive in nature).
A Certified Therapeutic Musician is employed to play for the patient and family. We are not empowered to prescribe treatment or advise patients or their families on medical or personal issues. Our focus is on providing peace, contentment and enjoyment to individuals experiencing difficulties. By providing music we hope to encourage and possibly contribute to healing and relaxation.

Both disciplines require internships and standards of conduct that respect individuals, families and medical teams.

The curriculum I am beginning is very rigorous and will most likely take 1-2 years.
Here I go!


  1. Wonderful read! Illustrates why you have the gifts that you have been given! Well done. I will look forward to your future posts!

  2. Wow! This is great Lee! I didn't know you were a singer too! I'll enjoy following along on your journey, so thanks for sharing it!

    1. oops, this is Deb Tyler. I think I have to set up an account here.

  3. You will no doubt succeed in this endeavour. The best to you.
