Sunday, January 12, 2020

My new goal for 2020, is to post more often, and with more focus. That said, life is what music is, so life will definitely impact my postings.

I am concentrating on my relationships, in my interactions and also, in my creation and playing  of music. When playing in a therapeutic manner, the self is sublimated..not the major focus. Certainly, I need to be prepared, aware, knowledgeable and compassionate...but my ego needs to be checked at the door. The ownership of any positive outcomes for a patient and their family is not because of me...the "performer", (healing music is never a performance)..but instead requires me to be a compassionate giver of a musical gift. The music is given, and I step away. Certainly, I admit that it deeply matters to me that I do my best...but not for me...but instead, for the patient and their family.

Musically, my offerings need to become simple and beautiful...playing more simply requires a much different set of skills in order to be filled with beauty and healing. The shape of my hands, the openness of my arms and body, the proper contact of my fingers with the strings. These things bring beauty to the harp. Fundamentals are key. As a flute player, I've had more than my fair share of difficult musical scores. 16th and 32nd notes ascending into the 3rd and 4th octave at the speed of light...this type of playing involves a very specific skill set...and the beauty of these passages is often tied to speed, agility,  breath support, phrasing and accuracy. Now, playing for others, as a tool for lessening pain, regulating pulse and respiration, supporting alertness, enjoining memories, or helping in transitions is totally different. Especially on a harp.

As part of my training, I work with a mentor. As such, I submit regular mp3 files of my playing...each sample geared toward the age and medical needs of the patient. There have been several huge adjustments that I have been asked to make...rhythm, tempo, phrasing, multi-focal playing, increase in repertoire...all have kicked my tush to the curb...but I have made progress. The hardest thing I've needed to do....the thing that continues to hang on in my my ability (or lack there of), to play simplistically but beautifully.

The harp is known for its employment of arpeggiated chords, glissandos and flourishes...these techniques are "signature moves" in the harp world. These devices can add beauty to the most simplistic of melodies...and often, these skills are often relegated in some form, to the left hand of the harpist....except...when playing at bedside. Healing music is pure, unadulterated, minimally embellished and made beautiful not by the number of notes played...or the speed...but by thoughtful technique...pure, beautifully and thoughtfully phrased...uncomplicated. As a musician, simple technique and musical phrasing can be VERY deceiving. It is a true skill to develop beautiful, full, rich tones...defined by hand position, finger placement, sustain, well-aligned pitch, and well placed pauses. The location of the hands on the strings, the pulling of the string into the palm...the relaxation of the shoulders...the fluidity of the arms and proper bend of the wrist all make each note sing. I am even learning that correct posture with a full and open thoracic cavity colors the voice of each note...and the overall sound of my harp.

My mentor, Pat, is a very knowledgeable and patient person. Time and time again, when hearing my Mp3 samples, she responds: "Stop using your left hand so much!" and "Declutter your playing!" and who can forget  the ultimate admonishment: "Just put your left hand in your lap!" And so, I am forced to really listen to the way that I play...not the what...the way. Talk about humbling...and exciting.

How do I get these very important basics to become second nature? By having a deeply respected teacher with the patience of Job. I want to give great credit and thanks to my amazing harp teacher Christa Grix. She is stunning in her ability to get me to the basics, and she is helping me turn my playing into something beautiful, something healing and something magical.
Thanks and love Christa.

Thanks for Reading...

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