Friday, August 9, 2019

Life and Music

Update Number 3: has been a very different 3 weeks. I have been in deep prayer for my brilliant and loving cousin Dr. Laurel Bluhm Flores, as she recovers from the impact of a freak car accident. She is currently recovering from a spinal cord injury, experiencing lower body paralysis with some r
eturn of feeling and small movements. (Many of you know her from RUHS...especially band, vocal music, drama and musicals. Additionally...she was a Valadictorian of the Class of 1973!) She has been at the MRI (Michigan Rehabilitation Institute) for almost 2 weeks. Please pray for her complete recovery. I know that the Lord Jesus, as the Master Physician, has a very specific plan for Lori's healing journey. She is beautifully and wonderfully made in the image of Our Creator, and He is busy sustaining her and laying wisdom upon the hearts and minds of her medical team! She is a very faithful Sister in Christ and she prays daily "Lord, Thy will be done!"

Now, here I am, preparing to become a properly credentialed Clinical Musician...and I have a family member who may benefit from soothing harp am going to step out in faith this week, and hopefully minister to my dear cousin with music. Lori is a gifted musician, a former vocal music educator in her prior life, before medical school...she knows the difference between good music, great music and so.... I am hoping that my attempts at providing rest, relaxation and peace in her current this current time....will feed her. One thing is for sure...the music I bring will be filled with matter its level of proficiency...

Which...has me deeply thinking of how I will feel, venturing out to play for patients who are not known to me. As I have shared my music with others over the years, I have come up against nerves, jitters, and performance anxiety...all playing opportunities come with a bit of pre-offering anxiety...but interestingly...I am often more keyed up..nervous playing for family and friends...and playing intimate settings...believe it or not, while nerves accompany me anytime I play...a large group is often times easier for me.

Now, clinical music offerings are patient driven...and never a performance...very spontaneous at many levels...but always with preparation and a plan...all I can do, is give all of this to My Savior, and trust that the Holy Spirit will use the gift...for the good of God's Kingdom.

I have completed 7 major assignments and 1 book review out of 7 required. Many assignments require samples of my demonstrate skill mastery, understanding of music theory, eliminate nerves, and (I think) to begin to "toughen up my skin" for bringing music to others in an intimate setting. I can play perfectly...and then...I hit the RECORD button on Garage Band...SMH.

I am growing on so many levels...and I continue to journey with faith and purpose!

Thanks for reading!

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